A messy about me:

Hello there! My name is Sunflower. ^w^

I find myself to generally be all over the place with making art or programming, like drawing or using Linux. x3c

A while ago i saw a new video from the series LOVEWEB in which the theme is how the web as a whole has became a corporate mess, but also mentioned how many great websites came out of the old Internet, after which they also mention Neocities, the website that i'm using to build my own website from scratch! :3

I got really inspired by LOVEWEB to create a website, so that's why this site exists. x3

I never really learned how to create websites in the first place, so this sounds like a great way to learn new things such as HTML and CSS! uwu I haven't thought about using Javascript yet, but i'm sure it could be fun to learn as well. :3

That's it for now! Maybe i could update this site further in the future, but for now it's gonna be like this lol.

i'm so tired =w=

update: i updated my website X3